I’m bit late to the party here, I know. Geared has been selling huge amounts over the summer, but I’ve only just got around to taking a look, prompted by the update that introduced forty more levels, bringing the total number of levels to one hundred and twenty, which seems good value for 59p.

Anyway, it’s all very simple in concept. You’ve got to connect a yellow gear to one or more blue gears using grey gears. It’s easy to understand and, at first, easy to do.

It wasn’t until somewhere in the thirties that I started having to do any sort of thinking and wasn’t until the forties that I got stuck. However, I am now very, very stuck on level forty-five.

I’m not allowed to put the centre of gears in the red area there and gravity means I can’t just have gears hanging in space. I’m nearly there, as you can see, but I just can’t quite reach. I’m not sure if my whole idea is wrong or if it’s just my execution.

I can’t decide if that’s a problem with the game or not. The gears don’t snap to a grid, so you have to be very careful about your positioning. Sometimes the solution to a level is obvious and the only problems come from trying to put the gears in exactly the right place. This either adds an extra layer to the puzzle or adds an unnecessary complication. I’ve not decided which, yet.

However, the fact that I started from the beginning and got up to level forty-five yesterday evening is a sign that the game might just be quite good.