Absolutely brilliant. Still.

Even spending several minutes simply pushing the left stick forward to fly a helicopter fifteen kilometers wasn’t a paid, given that the scenery and the sunrise were so beautiful. (And I checked Twitter and played Words With Friends with my other hand.)

It’s a truly remarkable game in a lot of ways. It’s easy to overlook the scale and beauty of it, but they’re essential in making the game what it is. The rhythm of explosions, fast-paced getaways and then long, quiet rides through the air is a wonderful thing.

Aesthetically, I don’t think there’s much that comes close to it for me. I can see how people could be unmoved, but I still find it absolutely breathtaking on occasions.

And then you get to shoot people in the face, drive cars off cliffs, blow up fuel depots and generally cause huge amounts of wanton destruction.

It’s my type of game – huge, beautiful, open and with a mix of explosions and silence. Brilliant.