A Gaming Diary
A Gaming Diary
Oct 20th
Ah, bus journeys are ace.
I got four levels down into a dungeon. It’s… a bit easy right now. No difficult enemies. In fact, the enemies are scared of me.
The party trod warily through the depths of the dungeons, torches flickering on the walls. (Which was odd, as they were underwater, but we’ll let that one slide.) They trod carefully, quietly, but their efforts to go unnoticed went in vain. Without warning – an ambush! Three giant snakes stood (can snakes stand?) before them. Unready as they were, they fumbled for their weapons, giving the pythons time to launch uninterrupted attacks…
“The python ran away.”
“The python ran away.”
“The python ran away.”
“You gained 1 exp.”
The way forward was once again clear and the party breathed slightly more easily…
See? Rubbish. And even if they do attack they either miss or do 1 hit point of damage. (Even my weakest character has about six hundred hit points now.)
And yet it’s still fun. There are loads of games around right now that should be boring or annoying but somehow aren’t. I need to write an essay about it. Possibly.
Oct 20th
Played it for the first time in ages on the bus this morning.
Went into what I think is another optional dungeon, because I don’t know where the next real thing actually is.
Anyway, before the sun got too bright and killed my SP screen I managed to find a mermaid village in the dungeon, where there seems to be some sort of mystery…
Oct 19th
Bastard. You’re only meant to have a two star soul rarity. So give it up, you fucker. Come on!
Oct 19th
I’ve got a few more souls. Skeleton Farmer, couple of others. Nothing very interesting.
I’ve just been back to those spikes to try and work out how to get past them.
I just can’t see a way. There’s a very narrow gap. A bat could get through, but they’re underwater.
It’s killing me. In a good way.
Oct 18th
Three new souls got.
First up, Tombstone. I got over 10,000 experience points from killing them before one gave up a soul. As they only give out 48 points per kill, you can work out how many I had to dispose of. Took forever. I was playing by sound alone while watching TV for a good proportion of it.
Run left, wait to hear Tombstone noise, attack, turn around and head right, wait to hear door opening noise, turn left. Repeat. For ever.
After that, I just went for a run across the castle. Took some time out to get a Yorick soul, but that dropped quite quickly.
Then went and got one of the secret creature souls. Pretty easy, actually. The newspapers told me what to do and using a couple of souls I managed to trap and kill him. Soul dropped on about the tenth kill. Somewhere around there.
But none of those souls seem to have given me anything that will get me past spikes.
Oct 17th
Well, we’ve got a problem here, haven’t we?
And it was all going so well.
Okay, so I got message that Johan had died in combat, but he wasn’t much use and I barely mourned.
Wait, wait, back to the beginning. Where did we leave it last time?
Ah, yes, I was trying to get to the planet Banana to snap up some cheap luxuries, but the system I had to go through was plagued with Dominators. So when I started tonight I gave up on the idea. And came up with a new one. I bought a high capacity fuel tank and warped into the dangerous system. I flew round for a bit grabbing some of the debris that was scattered around – systems at war are a great source of spare parts – and jumped back out the way I’d come in. Two trips and there wasn’t anything else I could safely get. The big fuel tank was using up a lot of space on my ship, so I sold it and went back to standard one.
Not sure I made a profit in the end, but it felt good to snatch that stuff from the jaws of danger. Went back to my home system to give the ranger boffins some of the Dominator tech I’d grabbed. They were happy with me, which was nice. Went over to the medical station and bought some medical supplies, thinking they’d be cheaper there than anywhere else. But nowhere else in the system would give me a profit on them. About to sell a loss, I was, but then checked the news and saw that a planet in a neighbouring system was desperate for supplies. Result! Quick warp over and some nice profit.
Warped back home, went to the scientific station and bought my first probe. Basically, you can land on an uninhabited planets and send the probe out to search for stuff. I searched one planet and found medical supplies, weapons, a ship’s laser and some other bits. (It was while doing this search that Johan died, somewhere off in space.) Went to the nearest planet and sold everything (took a couple of trips) and asked for a mission. They asked me to deliver some special asteroid stuff to another system within a time limit.
Piece of piss!
I thought.
It’s a shame that the system I have to fly through to get there on time is under Dominator control. Not even being attacked by the Dominators. They’re there. They control the horizontal, the vertical and every other fucking thing in the system.
I warped in without knowing this. I looked for a planet to refuel on, but they were all under Dominator control. “Shit!” I said. Luckily, the remains of some ships were nearby, notably some fuel pods. I can use them to get out, but making my delivery on time is looking to be out of the question.
My first mission and I’m going to let my employer down. This is not good.
(Note: I’m playing the game in a semi-hardcore way. If I die I don’t restart the game from the beginning, I load my last save. But I’m only keeping one save, so if I discover I made a bad decision a while back I have to live with it, not just jump back a couple of saves and do things differently. It makes the game more tense and stops it turning into a constant quick save fest. I recommend it.)
Oct 17th
Played through them both before, of course. But I recently set up my living room so I can play PC games with the keyboard and mouse on a table instead of on my stomach and a tottering pile of books and newspapers.
Anyway, they’re both very good. Like F.E.A.R. more than I did, actually. The controls don’t seem quite so over the top now that the keyboard is in a good place. Wasn’t nearly as difficult as I remember, either. Moderate difficulty? Pah! I feel sated now, though. I no longer feel the need to spend thirty quid on the full version. Hurrah!
Call of Duty 2, however, I want more. I love running around with teammates I don’t have to bother issuing orders to. Rather shocking moment this evening when a guy got shot in the head and his helmet flew off and landed at my feet. Poor bugger. I wouldn’t mind the original, actually.
I wouldn’t mind a PC with just a bit more grunt, though. Not a lot, just a little more.
Oct 17th
Oh Game Boy Micro,
Where are you?
I want to play you,
On the loo.
The postman comes,
The postman goes,
But where you are,
Nobody knows.
Arrive my pet,
And dry these tears,
Arrive to quell,
My thieving fears.
Has postie fallen,
For your charm?
If this is so,
I’ll do him harm.
Please come and find me,
By bike or van,
Please come and find me,
If you can.
Oct 16th
Up to 75.1% of souls got and level 54. Completion rating 93.4%.
For my reference, souls I haven’t yet got -
16 – Slime
19 – Manticore
23 – Yorick
24 – Skeleton Farmer
29 – ???
30 – Tombstone
32 – ???
34 – Quetzalcoatl
62 – Heart Eater
71 – ???
73 – Decarabia
74 – Dead Mate
(Pause. Why doesn’t the Dead Mate have a Soul Rarity rating? And why do you not seem to get XP for killing one? Resume.)
75 – Bugbear
79 – Alura Une
80 – Great Axe Armor
81 – ???
82 – Mushussu
88 – Black Panther
89 – Mud Demon
90 – Giant Slug
91 – Werewolf
92 – Flame Demon
94 – Arc Demon
96 – Slogra
97 – Stolas
98 – Final Guard
99 – Malacoda
100 – Alastor
116 – ???
There are, so I’ve heard, two souls that can be used to get past the spikes. I’ve got some way to go to be sure that I’ve got it…
Oct 16th
Just wandering around collecting souls.
I’ve got 72.1% now, but still haven’t got one that lets me get past those bloody spikes, it seems.
Unless I’m being stupid, which is very possible.