Ah, bus journeys are ace.

I got four levels down into a dungeon. It’s… a bit easy right now. No difficult enemies. In fact, the enemies are scared of me.

The party trod warily through the depths of the dungeons, torches flickering on the walls. (Which was odd, as they were underwater, but we’ll let that one slide.) They trod carefully, quietly, but their efforts to go unnoticed went in vain. Without warning – an ambush! Three giant snakes stood (can snakes stand?) before them. Unready as they were, they fumbled for their weapons, giving the pythons time to launch uninterrupted attacks…

“The python ran away.”

“The python ran away.”

“The python ran away.”

“You gained 1 exp.”

The way forward was once again clear and the party breathed slightly more easily…

See? Rubbish. And even if they do attack they either miss or do 1 hit point of damage. (Even my weakest character has about six hundred hit points now.)

And yet it’s still fun. There are loads of games around right now that should be boring or annoying but somehow aren’t. I need to write an essay about it. Possibly.