A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged 9 innings

9 Innings: Pro Baseball 2011 (iPhone)
Jul 15th
So, I got sent a promo code for this game on my birthday. (I would have bought it had it been available in the UK store.) I’d been resisting setting up a US iTunes account, but this pushed me over the edge. Had to look up instructions on the web to avoid having to give a payment method, but used my in-laws’ address in Idaho and everything was fine.
Was it worth the hassle? Why, yes. Indeed it was. It’s a brilliant baseball game where you make up a team using baseball cards you earn in games or buy with points.
It’s not perfect. The interface is pretty shocking, but I’m learning it. The “tutorial” is just a link to some videos on the web and instructions are very skimpy. It’s odd that the game features real players, but not real teams. (I guess they could only afford one of the licences and, in my opinion, went with the right one.)
Still, though, the baseball is great and getting new cards is a thrill. I’m very much enjoying it.
9 Innings: Pro Baseball Lite (iPhone)
Jul 20th
After playing some Baseball Superstars Lite I tried out 9 Innings: Pro Baseball Lite.
It looks superficially similar to Baseball Superstars, but with a slightly more realistic look. That sums up how it plays, too. You don’t get any pirates or nurses playing baseball in this, just athletic-looking men. The pace is slower, the pitching requires that you time button presses and it seems a lot easier to mess up your fielding and it’s a lot harder to hit the ball anywhere useful. It lacks the mode where you create a player and play as them, but you get special tasks to perform in games to gain points to upgrade your coach.
It, like Baseball Superstars, is a very good game and I played it a lot. I think I’m coming down on the side of Baseball Superstars, mainly because I like the RPG-type mode and find it easier and quicker to play, but I’ve not made decision yet and both games seem very worth £1.79.