A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged aqua moto racing

Aqua Moto Racing 2 (iPhone)
Jul 30th
I’m up to the “expert” cup now and, to be fair, it’s got a bit harder. Mainly because the other riders keep knocking me off my jet ski, the bastards. Nothing is more annoying than respawning just in front of a competitor who then knocks you flying before you’ve had a chance to do anything.
That said, I’ve still not lost a race, but I did get a silver medal, rather than gold, on one race. Not sure how that works, I guess it’s based on completion time.

Aqua Moto Racing 2 (iPhone)
Jul 29th
So, I bought the full version. I’ve done the first two championships, both of which were almost insultingly easy. And, yes, the frame rate is pretty terrible. Doesn’t spoil the game for me, but if they could update the game to improve it, that would be lovely.
In short, then, lovely sunshine, big waves and brilliant controls, but a poor framerate and a lack of any challenge (initially at least).

Aqua Moto Racing 2 Lite (iPhone)
Jul 28th
It’s like Waverace, only not quite as good. The same old story.
The full version does, though, cost a relatively expensive £2.99. That takes it out of complete impulse territory, so it’s a good job there’s a Lite version to play with.
And what a good Lite version it is. A three-race championship, quick races on the same track and three jet skis to unlock. (Look, if they’re not jet skis but something subtly different, I don’t want to know, okay?)
It’s great arcade fun, the wave physics add a lot to the races and I’m very impressed. Only two things are stopping me from hitting the buy button to purchase the full version.
The first is the lack of difficulty in the Lite version. Even on Hard, it’s very easy to win races.
The second is that there are some reports of frame rate issues when you get the faster jet skis. Not sure if that’s a problem for everyone, though, or someone trying to play the game on a first-gen iPod Touch or something.
Anyway, I’ll probably have caved in and got the full thing by lunchtime, so I can find out for myself.