A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged bejeweled

Bejeweled 2 (iPhone)
Aug 5th

I'm doing very badly in this game. Which is why I stopped to take a screen shot rather than pressing on.
The iPhone version’s finally been updated with the coins and boosts of the Facebook version. (We’re talking about Blitz here, obviously, rather than any of the other modes. We can ignore them because they’re rubbish.) It doesn’t make a huge difference to the game, but I still lost half an hour without blinking after starting up the game to check the new stuff out.

Bejeweled 2 (iPhone)
Feb 8th
Only Blitz mode, obviously. There’s not really much point in the other modes existing any more. Blitz is quick, exciting – and often annoying. There is skill involved in pattern-matching and choosing which gems to swap, but often you’re stuck in a game with few potential moves and you’re left searching the screen for something, anything to do before hitting in the Hint button in frustration. I’ve taken to restarting a lot now – unless you come out of the gates at full speed and stay there, there’s not a lot of point in carrying on.
My aim for this game was to beat a score set my friend April. (She was one of only two Facebook friends to set a score this week. The other person, who I shall not name, set a frankly pathetic score that wasn’t even worthy of my attention.) It took me a while, but I beat it and crowed about it on Twitter. Soon enough, I saw this:
@thatrevchap woke up. Saw this. Played. Beat score. Back to bed.
I tried to beat her new score, but failed. Stupid game.
Bejeweled 2 (iPhone)
Nov 23rd
Bejeweled 2 (iPhone)
Nov 20th
I found a stats screen last night. It shows your maximum score over the last five weeks (optionally compared to a friend) as well as a “level” under different points categories. I’m level four when it comes to the 25,000 points category, having got that score over fifty times, but only level two in the 50,000 points category. I don’t know if that does anything other than let you know a rough score distribution. I doubt you unlock anything for leveling up.
I also played a bit of Classic mode last night while Bones was on. I wanted to watch Bones, but I was too fidgety to just sit down and watch it, so having a no-pressure game of Bejeweled on the go was perfect.
Bejeweled 2 (iPhone)
Nov 19th
Ah, so it turns out the high scores are reset every week. This is probably only news to me. This week, though, I have two people to compete against. It was only one last week. Special.
I wish it would record my best score of all time somewhere, though. I’ll have to investigate menus just to see if I’ve missed it.
Anyway, yes, brilliant game. Great for quick bursts. I’m talking about the Blitz mode in this post, by the way. Should probably have mentioned that sooner.
You know, I often think of doing a monthly post of the top ten or twenty iPhone games, but then I realise that it would be far too difficult. Might be useful, though. People often ask me for recommendations.
Bejeweled 2 (iPhone)
Nov 13th
I had no interest in this whatsoever until it got updated this week. What’s the big difference? Well, the game now includes the famous Facebook game mode, Bejeweled Blitz. This transforms the normally staid game into a frantic minute-long burst of excitement. You can even drag pieces around while other pieces are in motion, which makes the game infinitely better. (Zoo Keeper needs an iPhone port, like, now.) Shame the scoreboard only shows Facebook friends – only one of my real-life friends seems to be playing it.
The rest of the game is just what I expected. I doubt I’ll play it much, but the classic mode is okay to have on while you’re half-watching TV.