A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged eco punk

Eco Punk (Web/iPhone)
Mar 10th
So, right, you’re a punk rabbit on a skateboard, collecting rubbish and – when powered-up – destroying horrible, polluting cars. (And, er, Segways.)
It’s all a bit “MTV cares about the environment, yeah” for my liking, in a self-consciously “cool… but with a message” type way.
But I’m an old fart who had to be bullied by the local council into finally, grudgingly doing some recycling, so I doubt I’m the target audience.
Anyway, the game itself is all kinds of fun. Well, no, it’s one kind of fun. The collect-stuff-while-avoiding-enemies kind of fun. So, er, yeah, I guess it’s the third avoid-em-up of the day.
Anyway, it may be very simple, but it’s responsive, fast and has an excellent combo system that encourages risk-taking and speed.
It controls better on the web version – my high score is five times my iPhone high score – but the iPhone version isn’t bad after a bit of practice. Would feel absolutely fine without the web version to compare it to, I think.
Anyway, you can play it for free online HERE or grab the iPhone version for a mere 59p. They’re exactly the same, as far as I can tell, apart from the controls and the iPhone version having OpenFeint achievements and leaderboards.
Not essential either way, but a good way to waste a few minutes. Six months ago I’d probably have been singing its praises from the rooftops and demanding you purchase it forthwith, but we’re absolutely spoiled for choice these days.