A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged giana sisters

Giana Sisters (iPhone)
Mar 1st
Giana Sisters began life as a Super Mario Bros clone. Nintendo didn’t like it very much and it was, I believe, removed from sale.
It’s now back on the iPhone. Despite not being an exact clone any more, it doesn’t do much to hide its main influence. There are enemies to stomp, blocks to hit with your head and a power up that lets you shoot fireballs.
It’s all very playable and nice-looking and is more than merely decent, while not rivaling Nintendo in terms of level design or feel. It works well enough, though I wish the left and right controls were a little higher up the screen, but the lack of inertia means the character movement feels more workmanlike than inspired.
If you’re expecting a dodgy Mario rip-off, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. If you’re expecting something to rival Mario, you’ll be disappointed. It’s a very good game, but I can’t love it.