A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged mirror’s edge

Mirror’s Edge (iPhone)
Sep 7th
Speed running against my ghost last night.
I’ve always found competing against myself a great motivator in games, so this is wonderful. I’m all “Suck it, past self!” and “You bastard!” and stuff.
I guess I just exist in the moment and have no loyalty to other versions of me that are separated in time.

Mirror’s Edge (iPhone)
Sep 3rd
Absolutely bloody fantastic. I sat down with this game last night and couldn’t put it down until I’d completed it. (It’s not very long.) Then as soon as I’d seen the end of the story, I started doing speed runs. (And I’ve got bags to find and achievements to get.)
It’s fast, fluid and the controls work wonderfully well – the only sticking spot I had was when I tried to run the “wrong” way on a billboard and the game got confused. The levels are wonderfully designed and – unlike the console version – the combat actually adds to the game.
An absolutely stunning achievement. I can’t praise it enough.
Now, can we have some downloadable level packs, please?
Mirror’s Edge (360)
Mar 10th
Last night I tried this for a final time. It’s going back to Lovefilm today. When it’s good it’s very, very good, but it can be extremely annoying. The LB button (used to jump) isn’t as responsive as I’d like, I keep jumping to my death instead of wall running and – the final straw – I jumped into a pit and couldn’t find my way out. I couldn’t seem to jump to reach anything to hang on to.
Oh, and when I started the game last night, it hadn’t saved any of my progression in my previous session, so I had to do it all over again.
With longer sessions and less to play it would be a lot better, though. The annoyances wouldn’t be as great. If I can ever get a cheap copy that comes bundled with the DLC I’d be interested. I might give up on the 360 version and go with the PS3 version, though. I think L1 would be a lot nicer to use than LB, basically.
Mirror’s Edge (360)
Mar 5th
I think I’m going to send this back to Lovefilm uncompleted. I spent about fifteen minutes last night on one section. I had to do routine stuff (including disarming/killing/avoiding a couple of enemies) to get to a tricky jump which I was finding impossible to get right. I don’t know if I have the patience to continue with it, what with all the other games fighting for me time right now.
Mirror’s Edge (360)
Feb 16th
Rental arrived from Lovefilm. Spent an hour or so with it and pretty much fell in love. I did the training, the prologue, then played through Chapter One a couple of times, then did the first time trial. (I didn’t do very well.)
It looks lovely and feels solid and correct. When you get it right and are running and jumping without pause, it’s exhilarating. When you fail, you want to try again.
If it doesn’t get too hard later on, this could be special.
Mirror’s Edge Demo (360)
Nov 7th
After a few weeks completely devoid of gaming while on holiday, I came back and downloaded some demos that I missed.
And this one is really good fun. When it all flows it’s just about the best thing ever, when you stumble it’s annoying, overall it’s probably a winner.