A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged simcity

SimCity (iPhone)
Jun 23rd
Oh! A surprise! I was ready to delete SimCity from my phone, but decided I should give it a chance first.
I loaded up Tutorial City, which I’d carried on playing after it had taught me all it knew, and built a fire station. And a house for me. And Big Ben. And then I worried about how to balance the budget. And then I noticed loops of road and rail weren’t actually connected up properly and I wondered how to fix that. And then I saw demand for Industrial was very high and wondered where to put more of that, because I didn’t want to ruin my residential land prices.
So, yeah, SimCity is staying on my phone for now. I’ll probably not play it again for months, but it’s a good game and it’s nice to know it’s there.
SimCity (iPhone)
Nov 26th
The tutorial’s horribly fiddly, but don’t let that put you off. I bought this yesterday as it was on sale and for a few minutes thought I’d made a terrible mistake. Never fear, though, because after a few frustrating minutes it all starts feeling a lot more natural. It’s always going to be a little awkward, fitting all those functions on to a touch screen, but it works better than you might expect.
Seems to be pretty complete, too. A few animations might be missing – the big versions do show trains on the railway tracks, don’t they? – and I’d like some clearer feedback about what improvements are most urgent, but other than that, it’s all good. Certainly kept me occupied for a fair while yesterday evening.
I’ve just been messing around in the tutorial city so far, might take the plunge into a brand new city soon.