A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged slingo

Slingo Supreme (iPhone)
Sep 8th
Didn’t play much yesterday. Had a doctor’s appointment and then watched Kick Ass, which did. Managed to get in a few games of Slingo, though, as well as my usual turns of Carcassonne and Words With Friends. Got a new high score of over six million, but I’m not sure how. I just looked at my score halfway through my game and had over four million and then it shot up by another couple of million.

Slingo Supreme (iPhone)
Sep 7th
So, yes, it is possible to get over a million points – it just relies on unlocking the right power-ups. Oh, yes, and a fair amount of luck.
Mind you, one of my friends got over two billion last night, so I’ve got some way to go yet.
It’s still a pretty rubbish game, but I’m coming to terms with the fact that I like it. It may fail as a game, but it succeeds as an activity, or something.
Or maybe I’m just being a bit snobbish. Why shouldn’t a game that relies on luck still be a decent game?

Slingo Supreme (iPhone)
Sep 6th
Rubbish, random cross between bingo and fruit machines – with power ups and incredibly shit mini games. Really, it’s a great big sack of crap.
So why do I keep playing it? And enjoying it? And wanting to play more?
If I could work that out, I think I’d probably be able to rule the world. Maybe it’s that there are just enough choices to make, despite the randomness. Maybe it’s that it keeps pumping new powers, slots and stars at you. Maybe it’s that I want to work out how it’s possible to beat the million point score that’s top of the default leaderboard. (My best is just over 100,000.) Maybe it’s just that it’s brainless enough to amuse without needing any real concentration (except during the shell game).
I just don’t know.