A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged song summoner

SONG SUMMONER: The Unsung Heroes – Encore (iPhone)
Jun 16th
Excited by the news that the original Final Fantasy Tactics (or, at least, a port of the PSP version of that game) is coming to iPhone, I loaded up Song Summoner, for the first time in about a million years. Or so.
I didn’t actually play it, I just leveled-up my characters and then tried making some new ones.
That done, I closed the app. Somehow, I don’t think I’ve got my priorities quite right.

SONG SUMMONER: The Unsung Heroes – Encore (iPhone)
Feb 3rd
So, I couldn’t decide what to play. I looked around my many screens of games and nothing leapt out at me. So I decided to choose at random. I went to my iPhone’s search screen, closed my eyes, jabbed at a random point on the on-screen keyboard, then touched a random spot above the keyboard to open a random game.
The first one was YouTube. Not a game.
The second one was my contacts information for Richard Gaywood. Not a game.
The third one was Song Summoner, or, to give it its full title, that monstrous bit of text you can see in the title of this post.
I have to admit, I was disappointed. I didn’t really want to play it. Seemed like too much effort. Rules are rules, however, so I loaded my last save.
First off, I had to watch as all my troops got points based on the music I’ve played in the last month. I got quite a few level increases, but I’m not really listening to the songs I made troops from any more, so it wasn’t as good as it could have been.
After getting everybody leveled, I decided to play one of the maps I’d played before, to try and refresh my memory. Took a decent selection of troops in (soldier, monk and mage) and slaughtered the enemy with surprising ease.
That done, I went to the next story location on the map. I’d expected a fight, but instead I got some cut scenes and found a new town.
After telling me all about The Joshua Tree – the next location for the story – one of the characters advised me to hit the rehearsal room before venturing on.
So I did. I took my Hip Hop Monk (generated from classic rap track, er, Sweet Caroline) and ran him through the Easy and Normal levels in the rehearsal room. I got him up from a Silver rank to a Gold, which means better stats, but Platinum is a long way away.
That’s about it. I’m glad I played the game again. It’s not as good as the epic Final Fantasy Tactics on the DS, but it’s decent enough. I do spend all the time I’m playing wondering why Nippon Ichi haven’t ported Disgaea over to the iPhone, though.
SONG SUMMONER: The Unsung Heroes – Encore (iPhone)
Jan 5th
I’ve actually played this again now. Like, actually played it. Just one free battle, but for the first time in a long, long time I’ve actually started it up tp do more than just level up my troopers. It’s really quite fun, you know. I should remember that.
I also love the way the way I managed to take the most dull screenshot possible, there. Well done, me!
SONG SUMMONER: The Unsung Heroes – Encore (iPhone)
Dec 16th
Still haven’t actually, you know, played any more of this, but I have been listening to songs I’ve created troopers from and getting points from doing so. Today, I actually managed to level up one of my troopers for the first time.
Yes, the Hip Hop Monk (created from Sweet Caroline, strangely) is now level two. Hooray!
I should probably actually play the game again at some point, but powering up my characters without actually playing the game is proving strangely addictive.
SONG SUMMONER: The Unsung Heroes – Encore (iPhone)
Dec 10th
I haven’t actually been playing this. What I have done is set up a Song Summoner playlist in iTunes and I listen to it on my iPhone on the way to and from work. Every day or so I start up Song Summoner and get Play Points for listening to the songs I’ve made troopers from.
And then my troopers get experience points. They get a few points every time, but those whose song I’ve listened to get more.
Still haven’t managed to level anyone up yet, though. I’m only in the car for about fifteen minutes a day, after all.
SONG SUMMONER: The Unsung Heroes – Encore (iPhone)
Dec 7th
To my surprise, I barely played this over the weekend. I’m not sure if I even made any story progress, I think I only played a couple of free battles. I did, however, manage to generate a Gold rank trooper from “Dick In Dixie” by Hank Williams III, which was nice.
Anyway, for those that asked, here’s the password I got when I completed the Lite version.
I don’t know if it’ll work for you, but feel free to give it a go.
SONG SUMMONER: The Unsung Heroes – Encore (iPhone)
Dec 4th
Yes, I had this on my iPod Nano (still do, even) but there are several good reasons to get the iPhone version.
1) The screen is bigger and thus it’s easier to see what’s going on and read the text.
2) The touch screen interface is much, much better than the Click Wheel interface.
3) The game includes all of the iPod version, plus the content from an unpublished sequel.
Still, it’s worth trying the Lite version out before parting with your £5.99. Not only will it give you a good idea of whether or not you like the game, but if you complete it you get a password you can give to the shopkeeper in the full version that will get you a whole load of goodies.
If you’ve not heard of the game before, it’s basically a simple Final Fantasy Tactics title, the twist being that your units are generated from songs on your iPhone.
Let’s try Boulder to Birmingham by Emmylou Harris.
We select the song and then see the results.
Excellent, it’s a Silver-ranked Monk. I’ve not had a Spirit Velocity before, so that’s good. Her stats aren’t great so she only gets a C grade, but that’s good enough. I can up her rank to Gold or Platinum by spending pearls you earn in battle and raise her level by listening to her song a few of times. (Or more slowly by listening to songs I’ve made from other troopers.)
Once you’ve got a team together (and you’ve been through the initial cut scenes and tutorials) you’re sent out into the big wide world on a possibly epic quest to find your brother and, I assume, save the world. You spend a lot of time reading dialogue and playing around in menus, but the meat of the game lies in the battles, which are your standard turn-based tactical affairs.
It’s all very good indeed, requiring thought but not (yet) being overly difficult. I’m very much enjoying it and I’m already much further through this version than I ever got in my iPod Nano version.
The only real problem is the lack of documentation. There are some basic help screens, but you really only find out how things work by getting stuck in to the game. I’m fairly comfortable with it now, but I had to work on it. It’s slightly off-putting to have pages of numbers and tiny icons and no real idea what they mean or how everything hangs together. Still, it’s been worth the effort.
Song Summoner (iPod)
Nov 10th
It’s a Final Fantasy Tactics game. On an iPod. Where you use songs to create new units.
Amy Winehouse’s Back in Black produces a rubbish archer, Half Man Half Biscuit’s Tending the Wrong Grave for 23 Years produces a decent mage. Etc.
Not done much, yet. Initial cut scene and tutorial, the creation of sixteen troopers and the first battle proper. It’s a bit fiddly to control, simpler than the DS FFT game and has some annoying load times, but it’s on an iPod.