A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged strategery

Strategery (iPhone)
Aug 3rd
Fucking Strategery. It’s the most annoying name ever. Almost impossible for me to make my fingers type it. “That’s not a real word!” they scream at me as I try to force them to do my bidding. I suppose I’ll get used to it eventually.
Stretagy. Strategy. NO! Strategery.
Typing it takes an eternity as I peck out the letters one by one, with much thought between each one.
Horrible, horrible “word”.
Anyway, it’s Dice Wars and would probably work better on the iPad’s big old screen than it does on the iPhone’s tiny little viewing window. Starting position and luck seems to play more of a role than any… strategy – oh for fuck’s sake, it’s ruined my ability to type the word strategy now! – but it’s just as addictive and wasteful of time as the game it ripped off.
I played the Lite, I bought the full version. I don’t exactly regret it, but I whenever I play I just feel like I should be doing something more interesting, like playing another game entirely. I think it’s that the choices aren’t that interesting and really just boil down to how fast you choose to try to expand. Maybe I need to play with manually-placed armies.