A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged sword and poker

Sword & Poker (iPhone)
May 5th
The sequel to the excellent Sword & Poker came out a few days ago. It sounds like more of the same, which can’t be a bad thing, but it reminded me that I’ve not actually finished the first game yet.
So I started it up again and found myself on the twentieth floor. Took me several goes to complete it, but I’ve not had much trouble since then. I die when I get stingy with the recharge coins or due to plain bad luck, but I’ve spend a lot of money on upgrades and I’m doing okay.
It really is a lovely little game, if you don’t mind that it’s inevitably based on the random drawing of cards.
Sword & Poker (iPhone)
Jan 18th
Sword & Poker (iPhone)
Jan 15th
Down on the twentieth floor and things are getting tricky, mainly because I always feel the need to pick up all the treasures on a floor before I leave. If I just took the quickest path to the boss I’d probably do fine. Well, maybe – I’ve not actually seen the boss yet, he might be a tough one.
I’m easing off a bit on this game now. I’m still playing it a lot, but it’s not consuming me any more. I’m finding it much easier just to play a battle or two and then put it down for a while. I think this is probably a good thing.
Sword & Poker (iPhone)
Jan 14th
No longer playing this exclusively, but still playing it more than I probably should be. Had to go to the doctor again today and once again it proved itself king of the waiting room. It’s really getting quite tricky now, actually.
I should probably look through my spells and see if there’s any point changing them. Trouble is, the two I’ve got equipped (sort cards by suit and steal cards from the opponent) are incredibly useful at times.
Sword & Poker (iPhone)
Jan 13th
Sword & Poker (iPhone)
Jan 12th
It’s a light RPG where you go through dungeons a tile at a time, fighting monsters, collecting treasure, buying upgrades for your character, etc. Pretty standard stuff, really, though done well, with a good art style, a minimum of story and a well-judged gradual introduction of gameplay elements. The English translation is slightly iffy, but it’s clear enough and doesn’t harm the experience. So far, so good.
The really interesting part of the game, though, is the battle system. There’s a grid of cards in the middle of the screen and you and your opponent take turns laying down cards to make poker hands. It’s all hugely addictive and I’ve had to forcibly drag myself away after the game ate my entire lunchtime and threatened to swallow my afternoon. If this post seems a bit disjointed then it’s simply because my head’s still stuck in the game and I can’t quite seem to let go.
There’s a Lite version to try if you’re not convinced enough by me to shell out 59p on the full version, but I’d definitely recommend having a look, as long as you’ve got nothing important planned.