A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged tilt to live

Tilt To Live (iPhone)
Apr 28th
One of the best just got better, with two new game modes added in an update yesterday. And not as paid-for DLC, either – these came for free.
The first new mode is Gauntlet, in which obstacles come from right to left and you have to avoid them for as long as possible. No combos or scoring, it’s all about survival time. A nice change from the standard gameplay.
The other new mode is Code Red, which is the same as the standard game, but misses of the boring bits at the beginning. This makes an absolutely brilliant game even more absolutely brilliant and makes me want to give the developers big, manly hugs and buy them beer. And then have them buy me beer, because, after all, I’ve already given them my money.
Mmmm… beer.

Tilt To Live (iPhone)
Mar 12th
I lost an entire hour this lunchtime playing this. Not sure how that happened, but I just couldn’t stop playing.

I don't often lose my ship any more, but every now and again all the explosions make me forget where I am.
I unlocked a new weapon (Lightning) and got a new high score that’s just a little below a million points. That was quite annoying, but as it more or less doubled my previous score, I don’t think I should complain too much.
You need this game, you know. It’s another one of those iPhone necessities. Sorry, but it is.
Oh, no. I’m seeing red dots when I shut my eyes. It’s one of those games.

Tilt To Live (iPhone)
Mar 11th
No less fantastic than the last time I blogged about it, when sitting up in the correct position, this is pretty much perfect.
I really like the way achievements are used to unlock new power ups. That gives the achievements a real point and makes me want to get more of them. Even the one for dying within five seconds. I felt bad about it, but I did it.

Tilt To Live (iPhone)
Mar 10th
Insanely addictive avoid-em-up, featuring lovely graphics, great controls and power ups to help you kill the all red dots that are bent on your destruction.
It’s very, very hard to put down once you’ve started playing and is completely worthy of all the acclaim it’s getting from people who have played it.
The only problem is that you need to be sat up to play. You’re meant to be able to play lying down, but I can’t get my ship/arrow/thing to move left and right when doing that, even if I calibrate it with a custom setting. I’m not sure if it’s a problem with the iPhone accelerometer or whether it’s something that can be fixed in an update, but it’s a little annoying.
When sat up at the right angle, though, this is one of those perfectly-polished small iPhone gems.