A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged trash panic
Trash Panic (PS3)
Aug 8th
Either I’m missing something, or this is incredibly difficult. I’m on the second level of the Main Dish, or something, and I can’t see how to complete it. I am given the odd lit match, which helps burns things away, but quite often graavity doesn’t seem to work afterwards and my trash ends up hanging in mid-air, getting in the way of, well, all the other trash I need to dispose of.
It’s frustrating, baffling, strange and oddly wonderful.
Trash Panic (PS3)
Jun 6th
Tetris, but with rubbish instead of blocks. Basically. It’s hard to explain, partly because I don’t think I quite understand it yet. You can smash stuff, burn stuff (bad for the environment) and, um, rot stuff… or something. You need to dispose of the rubbish without letting your bin overflow and, er, that’s it. It’s great fun and will either be much better when I understand it fully or just lose some of its mad charm. I think the £3.99 price is probably very fair.