Take a look at the screenshot below.

See that Barclaycard logo in the corner? That tells you first thing you need to know about this game – it’s one of those free advertising games. In this case it ties into a TV commercial where someone is made joyously happy by taking a water slide through people’s houses while waving a credit card around. It’s the simple things in life, eh?

Anyway, a general rule of advertising games is that they’re all terrible. Sometimes, though, a game comes along to buck that trend. No, I can’t think of any either. I’m sure there must be some, though.

So how does Waterslide Extreme fare?

Well, actually, it’s pretty good. No, really. It’s fairly simple – tilt left and right to stay on course, avoid the bad stuff, collect the good stuff, slow down by pressing a button on the screen – and easy enough that I completed all nine stages on my first go, but it’s a few minutes of genuine fun for free and even has quite a nice scoring mechanic. The only price you pay is that little Barclaycard logo in the top left of the screen. Now, I hate Barclaycard with a passion bordering on the homicidal, but I like this game. I may even play it again sometime. You never know.

It’s damning with the faintest of praise, I know, but I can’t think of a better advertising game.