That Rev Chap

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Posts by That Rev Chap

Crystal Quest (360)

Blast from the past! In the years since I last played there seems to have been a leaderbooard reset. Got up to 315th in the world in a few minutes. More a testament to how few people have bought the Xtreme mode DLC than my own skills, I think.

The Last Guy (PS3)

One quick level between WipEout and The L-Word, rescuing people in Germany. Failed the first time I tried as I ran into a zombie in a move that even Jimmy McNulty would find a bit too idiotically self-destructive, but got it the second time. And then it was time to turn the TV to Living 2 to see Shane get herself into trouble again and Helena make a new friend.

Defcon (PC/Mac)

Some chaps over on BETEO have been playing this so I dug old my registration code and joined them for a game last night.

I was the USA and allied with South Asia. This alliance lasted the whole game, more due to having more important targets than any real sense of loyalty, I think. I started the game and failed to notice that South America was actually in the game, so had a bit of a surprise when I was attacked from that direction – having already lost most of my navy to the Russians.

The guy playing the Russians then dropped out due to a bad connection and a CPU player took over. Which was a bit annoying, as the CPU then went on to win handily against the four remaining human players. Only South America put up a proper fight.

I ended up coming third – a huge strike against Russia from my fleet of subs in the North Sea saw to that – but that third was a long, long way behind the top two players.

Denver and Memphis were the only two American cities not to be hit with nukes. I think I ended up losing eighty percent of my population, but at least I did some damage.

Excellent fun and I hope to play again as soon as possible.