Ace Combat 6 (360)

Got this free and decided I should try it out before trading it in. I didn’t think I’d like it for two reasons. One, I don’t like games in which you fly planes. Two, I didn’t like the demo.

Still, I did the tutorial and the first mission (which is the demo mission), didn’t enjoy myself and turned off the 360. The problem is that I’m rubbish. I never feel like I’m in an exciting aerial dogfight, I just feel like I’m flailing around.

Rez HD (360)

Hooray! My site’s back up after going down because the entire Internet decided to look at my fake album covers page and I used my entire monthly bandwidth limit in about twelve hours.

Anyway, over the last couple of days I’ve been playing Rez HD, which is one of the best games ever… in HD. It hasn’t lost any of its magic over the years.

I just need a headphone extension cable now, so I can play it straight into my brane.