
Haven’t played for a while.

I’m rubbish, the game’s great. Better than I remember, actually.

I’m only playing it on Moderate, but I’m dying an awful lot. I don’t mind, though, because it’s fun, fun, fun. It’s very much the same thirty seconds of fun over and over again, to reapply the famous Halo phrase, but like Halo that’s not a bad thing.

Weird Worlds Demo

Hmm. I downloaded and tried this ages ago, but didn’t seem to mention it.

It’s basically a quick and simple version of Space Rangers, which isn’t such a bad thing.

Only trouble is, I can’t work out how combat works. I can’t seem to attack ships at all. Might be demo limitation or might be me being incredibly thick. Possibly both.

Seems okay. Really, really, really needs to be on Live Arcade.

SWAT 4 Demo

Oooh, now this was a surprise.

First off it looks lovely. I’m sure it doesn’t do as many clever things as FEAR but, to my mind, it may look even better. Secondly, it seems to mix things up a bit whenever you try a mission. At least, I found a hostage in a different place when I played the second time after get killed very quickly first time.

The only problem was that I didn’t really know what I was doing and thought I’d killed/arrested everyone, but the mission was still ongoing. I found a status screen and apparently I have to report on everybody’s status and pick up all the bad guys’ weapons. And I couldn’t be arsed to go back and do all that, so I quit out.

But it’s very tense and the interface makes ordering the squad around so simple that even I found it easy enough to find my way around. Now if I can remember to pick up weapons and things as I go next time then it’ll be ace.

I’m really very impressed indeed.

There’s an expansion out soon, which is what prompted me to download the demo of the game. I wonder if it’s on budget yet?


Straight after installing I had to download a 122MB patch. Aren’t PCs great? Only took a few minutes download, though. I remember spending all day trying to download a 13MB patch for Carmegeddon. It took ages and it wasn’t until my third or fourth try that my net connection managed to stay up long enough for me to get it. Gah.

Oh, yes, anyway. FEAR. (Just put the full stops in mentally. I can’t be arsed to type them every time I write the name.) It’s great. It’s depressing to see so many settings on “medium” in the menus, but it runs nicely for the most part. Every now and again it’ll just die for no reason for a second or two, which is odd. But that only happened a couple of times in the hour I just played.

Anyway, so far there have been loads of fights against nasty men with guns and only one crate puzzle. So that’s okay. Thoroughly enjoyable. And, yes, it’s a bit spooky at times.