Folklore Demo (PS3)

Similar to Heavenly Sword; it looks lovely, but only feels okay to play.

It’s all a bit repetitive, some of the timing is so tight it amounts to luck for a reaction-time-challenged thirty-something like me and you can’t change the camera controls, which are the wrong way round on the x-axis. Nevertheless, I finished one character’s part of the demo and started the second character’s, only to quit out when it started giving me the same tutorial information all over again.

Heavenly Sword Demo (PS3)

My wife looked up from her knitting and said, “Well, it looks very pretty.” And it does.

Not sure about the, you know, game, though. It’s a hack and slash that seems like it might have a nice, deep system behind it, but I can’t really tell – it’s hard to tell exactly what’s going on under the fireworks or which enemy the game’s going to focus on when you hit an attack button – and enemies spawn for far too long in each area.

Of course, it might easier to tell if it was any good or not if the ONE GIGABYTE demo lasted more than FIVE MINUTES.

Super Stardust HD (PS3)

Geometry Wars meets Asteroids, basically. It’s all very well done, but games take too long to ramp up. That’s a failing of many shooters, the mighty Geometry Wars included, and it’s not a deal breaker, but it’s a shame. Best score is just a touch over three million right now. I need to be getting over ten million to be considered even half decent.

Crash Bandicoot (PS3/PSP)

Looks much better on the PSP screen than on the PS3. There’s something odd about on the PS3, as if the colour and contrast are turned up way too much, or something.

Anyway, what’s it like to play? Well, it’s a bit rubbish. Certainly not unplayable, but it’s very unfair and the controls don’t quite work. Still, it kept me playing for quite a while, so it has got something, even now.

Go! Puzzle (PS3)

Played a bit more Skyscrapers, which is a fair bit easier now I’ve worked out what the white blocks do. (It was probably covered in the tutorial, but if it was I’ve forgotten.) Might be a bit of a cult hit, this, if it wasn’t on the PS3.

Then I tried Swizzle Blocks, which went on and on and on. I started on Easy mode and in one game swept through all the Easy and Normal levels, getting gold stars on each, before dying on the first Hard level. My score was put in the Hard mode high score table, which seemed odd, but there you go. Nobody on my Friends leaderboards yet.

Motorstorm (PS3)


My skills have gone. Or, rather, I can’t remember which routes are best for buggies.

Did one race, came tenth. Tried again, came eleventh.

Go! Puzzle (PS3)

The difficulty in Skyscrapers really ramps up after a few levels. I’m doing the third set of towers now (after skipping some infinite towers) and there’s no time to think at all.

Go! Puzzle (PS3)

That Skyscrapers game really is very good. I’ve unlocked the first infinite tower and I don’t think I’ll ever get a silver or gold star for it. It’s impossible.

Aquatica hasn’t got any better, unfortunately. I just don’t get on with it.