A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged diaballic
Diaballic (iPhone)
Oct 4th
When I last counted, I had 165 games on my iPhone – and that’s after deleting around twenty to make room for FIFA 11. Why bother to keep all those there, when I mainly play new games.
Two reasons:
1) Apple’s idiotic way of deleting your save data when you delete a game. You can’t delete a game, reinstall it and then resume from where you left off. You’re going to have to start over. Why this hasn’t been fixed over the years I don’t know, because, pardon the language, it’s both fucking stupid and fucking annoying. It’s blackest mark against the iPhone as a gaming platform and a sign that Apple haven’t quite “got” games yet, despite selling millions upon millions of the buggers.
2) Every now and again I fancy playing something I’ve not played in ages.
Case in point: Diaballic. It’s an a randomly-generated endless platformer, cut from the same cloth as Canabalt, Robot Unicorn Attack, Run, etc.
It’s full of tricky platform jumps, power-ups and obstacles and, with its left, right and jump buttons and precise controls, feels more like a traditional platform game than the one-touch and gesture-controlled games it shares a folder with on my iPhone.
It’s only good, though, when you remember you can double jump, until then it feels frustrating, unfair and you wonder why you kept on your phone for so long. Well, you do if you’re me.
Diaballic (iPhone)
Jan 7th
Here’s a little game that’s worth a look. Your 59p gets you a randomly-generated side-scrolling platformer, sitting comfortable next to Run, Canabalt, etc.
You’re a ball (though there’s no rolling or inertia or anything, so you might as well be a cube or a dead cow or a concrete statue of Leo Tolstoy or whatever) and you have to jump across platforms, avoiding deadly obstacles and the bottom of the screen. You get points for time spent alive and for collecting bonus gems. It all works well, with good controls and options, it has a global leaderboard (only a top ten, but no bugger seems to have bought it, so I’m actually in with a shot on getting on it) and I’m very much enjoying it. It’s also got a fairly dangerous, though not life-ruining, one-more-go factor.
Of course, all this only applies once you’ve realised that you can hit the jump button again to do a double jump. Until you work that out – embarrassingly late in my case – then the game seems impossible and a bit rubbish. But now you’ve read this, you’ll know. Thank me later.
It won’t change your life, but you won’t regret spending 59p on it. If you’ve just three-starred every level in Angry Birds and haven’t got anything to play, take a look.