A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged plunderland

Plunderland (iPhone)
Aug 5th
So, this got an update that addressed the control issues. It’s much better now. I started a level I’d been stuck on and breezed through it. I’m not even sure what’s changed, exactly, all I know is that it’s a lot easier to aim shots.
Unfortunately, though, I’m now stuck on the next level. There’s some scaffolding and I need to destroy it by hitting a barrel of explosives. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get my cannonballs to reach it, however I aim. I’ve no idea what to do now.

Plunderland (iPhone)
Jul 23rd
Looks gorgeous, but aiming your cannons and dealing with enemies is fiddly enough to be really quite annoying. Definitely a case of feeling like the game’s difficulty comes from bad controls, rather than actual game design. (Whatever the fuck that means. Come on, Owen, is that the best you can do?)
However – HOW-FUCKING-EVER – I’ve thought the same thing about games before. Cubed Rally Racer and DungeonCore both seemed to suffer from control issues, but after getting used to them I came to the conclusion that my first impressions were incorrect. Maybe the same will happen here. I do hope so, as I desperately want to like this game.
And, to be fair, it’s not like I dislike it. I just haven’t got comfortable with it.