A Gaming Diary
A Gaming Diary
Feb 19th
Well, I found the Minigore levels. As I suspected, I had to buy them from the shop, for the miniscule sum of fifty coins. Not bad at all.
The question is, though, has John Gore translated to Hook Champ well? Well, yes, he has. I’ve only done one his levels so far, but it’s standard Hook Champ stuff, except there are furries running around and you’ve got a gun with infinite ammo in it with which to dispatch them.
I’m still not sure what’s changed since the early days of Hook Champ, but it’s a much less fiddly and frustrating experience than it used to be. Thumbs up!
Feb 19th
Given the limitations of the app, I spent an awfully long time messing around with Noby Noby Boy last night. Just flicking BOY around and twisting him around objects, making him wander around photos and using the real-time view through the iPhone’s camera to have him crawl around my house.
I also gave the PS3 version a quick go. I visited Jupiter for the first time and had fun in a rainbow tube. Then I just reported my length to GIRL – I wish there was a way to link iPhone and PS3 accounts – and went to bed.
Feb 19th
Just Sudden Death mode, no other game types got a look in. Just kick after kick after kick. It should get old a lot faster than it does. Didn’t beat my own high score, so the frustration was there, but it didn’t get dull.
Anyway, much as I’d love to write a long, worthwhile entry about the game, it’s just kicking a ball over some goal posts again and again, so there’s not a whole lot to say. I can tell you that it’s an excellent game, but I’m not getting any insights into the nature of gaming or the meaning of life from it.
Feb 19th
Didn’t take look to get through all Swerve Runner’s missions on the default difficulty. It’s really rather easy. I was going to go back and go for high scores, but I think I’m done with it for now. It was 59p well-spent – the price of chocolate bar for a couple of hours of high speed, meteor-smashing thrills! – but I think I’ll leave it to lie fallow until an update.
For a bit of a laugh before I went I put the difficulty up to 100% in the Settings menu. It gets a bit silly at that level, with huge numbers of obstacles, dead ends – and the pop up becomes a real issue. Good for a laugh, but not really very playable in the traditional sense. I must remember to turn it back down again when I do go back.
Feb 19th
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 is one of those games that I remember very fondly from my Dreamcast games. (I’ve even got the strategy guide stuffed away in a cardboard box somewhere.)
After all, who couldn’t love a game where you can have Ryu, Wolverine and Jill Valentine facing off against Dr Doom, Venom and Mega Man? And it’s all built around and insane Capcom fighting engine that goes all out and ends up reaching ridiculous heights. Maybe it’s not the most technical Capcom game, maybe not the best balanced, but it’s pretty bloody awesome.
So when I saw it was half price on the PlayStation Store this week and cost a mere £5.49 I had to go for it.
It succeeded in putting a huge grin on my face, even as I faffed around on the character select screen trying to choose a team, and the grin didn’t fade when I started playing. I’ve forgotten all the moves – except for the obvious ones from the Street Fighter guys and gals – but there’s nothing wrong with rediscovery.
I was, however, a bit shocked at the difficulty level, even on Easy. Either my memory’s playing tricks on me, I’ve lost all my skills or this version is a lot harder than the old one. Whatever’s going on, in the twenty minutes I had to play around last night, I only managed to win one fight.
Hopefully it’ll all come back to me, but if it not then it’s still worth it for the spectacle and the fanboy glee of it all.
Now, on payday, maybe I’ll look into getting some sort of fighting pad. The ASCII fighting pad I had for the Dreamcast was a treasure. I wonder if there’s anything that good – and cheap! – out for the PS3?
Feb 18th
Not a conversion of the PS3 game. Not even a game, actually. Noby Noby Boy on iPhone is a collection of weird mini apps featuring BOY and GIRL.
You can play around with BOY with tilt and touch, stretching him, splitting him, having him grab random objects and listening to a bouncy soundtrack. It may not look like much in screenshots, but something about the animation and the tactile interface makes it come alive as you play. (And that’s “play” as in toy, not game.)
Of course, if the included music gets too much, you can summon a robot to play songs from your iPod. Obviously.
You can write on BOY and then email pictures to people from within the app. They suggest using it to tell your Boss you’re late for work, though I’m not sure that’s wise.
You can choose a photo from your library and see what the game makes of it. In this case, it put my face on a BOY. Nice.
You can use Noby Noby Boy as a clock. There seem to be a ton of different analogue clocks included, I’ve no idea how many.
You can use your GPS to find your location and then watch as BOY stretches as you drive to work.
After a ten-minute drive to work I'd stretched BOY a long way and had been driven completely mad by the soundtrack.
You can report your length to GIRL and then, using Facebook connectivity, see who else has been uploading length on the world map.
It's Google Buzz, but it's a bit weird seeing really people pop up like this. Sorry, Charlotte Fabb.
There’s even a built-in web browser.
And that’s not everything, oh no. (Though it’s most of it, to be fair.) I’ll let you discover the rest… or just blog about it later. It’s all very bizarre, but has an air of madness – and even desperation – about it that I find very appealing. They just seem to have made a little Noby Noby Boy app and then realised it wasn’t nearly enough and so threw every iPhone function they could think of into the mix.
Will I use the web browser instead of Safari? I doubt it very much. Will I use the clock as my bedside clock? Probably not. Will I start Noby Noby Boy instead of the iPod app when I want to listen to music? Well, I’d be surprised if I did.
But will I use those functions when I’m playing about with BOY? Yes, I rather think I will.
Feb 18th
Another in my collection of “games I’ve bought because they’re 59p and I’m awake far too early and don’t want to get up.” Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. Swerve Runner is a qualified run.
You pilot a little hovercraft chap over some randomly-generated, infinite countryside, trying to avoid obstacles and reach beacons. Once you’ve reached all the beacons you can carry on driving around or go on to the next level, which has different obstacles.
It’s all rather impressive. There’s a fair bit of pop up, but it runs very smoothly and seeing huge meteors crash into the ground as you zip by at 200 metres a second is something you should probably experience at least once.
I’d like some meatier physics – the ride’s a bit too smooth for my liking – but the controls are very sensitive while still leaving you in absolute control. There are some instant deaths when a meteor drops on your head without you ever seeing it, but the game is generous enough with extra lives that it’s really not a problem. In fact, it’s probably too easy – but in the Settings menu the default difficulty seems to be set at 30%, so that can be changed.
If you want something that looks similar but is a proper racing game, there’s Ground Effect. If you want something bouncier there’s the wonderful 4×4 Jam. Swerve Runner (and, yes, I do keep wanting to call it Swerve Driver) does its own thing and does it well. Cresting a hill and then zooming through an empty city while meteors rain down is an undeniably atmospheric experience.
It’s 59p right now and it’s not something I’m going to force you to buy, but it’s an impressive and interesting little indie game and one that, I suspect, will be unjustly ignored. I doubt I’ll play it much, but every now and again I’ll remember it with great fondness. (That said, the “quick go” I had this morning after I bought it lasted for over half an hour without me noticing.)
Oh, before I forget, one more thing – there doesn’t seem to be any sound. Doesn’t bother me, but I don’t want you to be shocked by the silence if you pick this up.
Feb 17th
Updated with a randomly-generated endless mode, is this now a rival to Doodle Jump? I’m not sure yet. It’s certainly enjoyable fun and adds a lot to the game, but I’m not sure if the fiddly bits are genuinely annoying or if I’m just a bit rubbish. Possibly both, thinking about it.
Anyway, you still have to zoom up and up, higher and higher, but now there’s no falling back down to consider. You can fall back down a little way, but beyond that it’s game over. Which is all as it should be.
If you’ve bought Bird Strike – and there’s no reason not to, quite frankly – it’s an excellent update, but I don’t think it quite pushes the game into the upper reaches of the “must have” iPhone games. It’s a fine game, but the iPhone’s got millions of those pesky little buggers. There’s no reason not to buy this, as I said, but there’s also no compelling reason to choose this over dozens of other equally good games.
Feb 17th
Angry Birds is only game I played last night. I only had a three or four levels left to get three stars on and, though some were tricky, I made it in the end.
Still some achievements left to get. There’s an interesting one I need to do by upping my score on the first batch of levels by 20,000 points, but the others are all “destroy X of Y” snorefests.
After that there are the leaderboards. Apparently, I’m top of one of them, but there’s no easy way to check, so I’ve no idea which level I’ve achieved godlike status on.
Feb 16th
Was feeling indecisive last night, so got my wife to pick a random game for me to play and she chose this. I’d completely forgotten how good it was. I was worried I’d have to go through the tutorial again, but when I started playing it was all very simple and soon I was rolling past friends’ gravestones and, after a couple of goes, even beat my own high score.
There are all sorts of unlockables – last night I unlocked a water bottle and a whole new game mode – and it’s fast, fluid and generally just pretty darn good. There are so many games I like, play for a day, then ignore. That doesn’t matter financially – even I can afford 59p here and there – but it’s a real shame when games of this quality are left to quietly rot on my iPhone.
I should play something random more often – it’s almost always a nice surprise.